1-5 BACDD 6-10CBADC 11-15 ABBBD 16-20 DAACB
21-25 CDDBC 26-30 BDABA 31-35 BCDDA 36-40BABAC(词汇和完形填空答案比较确定 我已经几乎把每道题的出处都找到了)
41-45 DBAAC 46-50DCBB(这道题有争议 可能有的同学选的C)C 51-55 DCAB(刚想想来 54我考场忘了选的是A还是B刚拿到题目 应该是B)D 56-60 CADAB
第四部分:翻译(说明: 拿到原文又译了一遍,基本和考试时译的差不多。PS:我也觉得今年翻译出的有点变态。)
参考范文:As we all know, angels and devils are two poles apart, but text message combines them perfectly. Some people take it for granted that it is a blessing, while others argue that it is a curse. As I see it, there is an element of truth in both views.
On the one hand, it brings about many benefits. First, messages received from families, friends and relatives often move or cheer up people, thus strengthening people’s relationships. Another merit of text message is that it accelerates the flow of information. One can get to know what others are doing more conveniently than ever possible before.
However, on the other hand, it is never without drawbacks. To begin with, many unwanted and useless messages may waste people’s time or even disturb people. We expected some messages were vital, but they turned out to be rubbish .In addition, the appearance of text message also arouses people’s concern for their privacy. To be exact, people may fear that their privacy is invaded.
In the final analysis, I should admit honestly that I cannot give a yes-no answer to this question. Maybe, we should discuss it more in the future so that a more reasonable conclusion could be drawn.